IT Engineer Leaves Job at TradFi Firm To Work With Cardano
Categories: Crypto News US
On Tuesday (May 17), an IT engineer explained why he quit his “comfortable and secured job at Capital One to help build out Cardano.”“$papagoogse” describes himself on Twitter (where his ID is “@PapaGooseCrypto“) as “Master Platform Engineer Finance – Cloud Computing – Platform Systems.” According to his Twitter bio, he is currently CIO at Kora Labs.Kora Labs is “a cutting-edge software development agency building robust and resilient Web3 products and protocols on the Cardano blockchain.” Their team has “a combined 50+ years of engineering experience on enterprise scale solutions, including staking and mining expertise on Cardano and Ergo.” They currently have a product called “ADA Handle“, which is “An NFT-powered naming solution for your Cardano wallet address, secured entirely on-chain via the Handle Standard.”“Each Handle is a unique NFT, minted and issued on the Cardano blockchain. These NFTs act as unique identifiers for the UTXO that they reside in. With a predictable standard, dApp developers can query the Cardano blockchain at any time to determine the current residing address of a Handle. “Unlike many other routing services on Ethereum, Handles are secured entirely as native assets on the Cardano blockchain, on the Layer 1 ledger. This means we don’t require smart contracts for address routing, ensuring that even in the event of an unlikely smart contract bug, routing will always be accurate — 100% of the time.“The Handle Standard supports version upgrading and backwards compatability. Once a version change happens, Partners are notified of the new version’s Policy ID. Lookups happen from most recent Policy ID to the first, incentivizing upgrades among users to ensure faster retrieval results. This allows the Handle Standard to evolve with the broader Cardano ecosystem.“