Elon Musk challenges Twitter CEO to public debate over fake accounts and spam bots
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Elon Musk challenges Twitter CEO to public debate over fakeaccounts and spam bots
MuskchallengesTwitter CEO to public debate Tesla CEO Elon Musk has challenged Twitter CEOParag Agarwal to a public debate about fake and spam accounts on Twitter."Let them prove to the public that less than 5% of Twitter's daily usersare fake or spam," Musk wrote on Saturday. Musk conducted a 24-hourTwitter poll on Saturday and asked his 103 million followers whether they thinkless than 5% of Twitter daily users are fake or spam.
A total of822,766 votes were counted: 64.9% chose "no". While Twitter claimsthat less than 5% of its daily users have fake or spam accounts, Musk disagreesand has been trying to get data from the social media giant to conduct hisanalysis with no success. Musk explained: "All indications suggestthat many of the public disclosures about Twitter's MDAU are either false ormaterially misleading.
Theproportion of false and spam accounts included in the reported mDAU count iswildly higher than 5%." Twitter defines mDAUs (monetable daily activeusers) as "users who access Twitter.com or the Twitter applications on anygiven day." log in to and access Twitter via Twitter that is capable ofserving ads." Twitter's disclosures include disclosures filed with theU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Muskelaborated in his countersuit that three days after signing the agreement tobuy Twitter, the social media company "reconfirmed and publicly disclosedthat the mDAU figures in the 2021 10-K were false and that Twitter's data wasfalse." had overtaken mDAU by 1.9 million each quarter."