Ethereum Merge Update: Community Hopes End With 2022 Merger Complete
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EthereumMerge Update: Community Hopes End With 2022 Merger Complete
Ethereum is about to undergo its biggest network update everin 2022. As a result, Ethereum (ETH) is completing thefinal phase of the much-awaited update that will end the practice of miningEther via Proof-of-Work (PoW). Here is a roundup on all the new developmentsahead of the Ethereum merger.
ETHDeveloper Goerly Confirms Merger Date
The specifics of the Goerly testnet transition were revealedthis week by leading Ethereum developer Tim Beiko. Goerlywill be the network's last testnet before switching to Proof of Stake (PoS),which is expected in mid-September.
Secondupgrade step to follow
One of the most significant technological advancements in thehistory of cryptocurrency, this update is the culmination of three yearsof research and development work on the part of Ethereum (ETH)developers. Instead of using blocks to track progress, the Ethereum PoS networkuses epochs, each of which can consist of up to 32 blocks.
What hadButerin had to say a week ago?
On Thursday, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin presented the roadmapfor a “smart contract” blockchain at the Ethereum Community Conference (EThCC)in Paris. Buterin talked about the planned "merge", in which Ethereumwill completely switch from Proof-of-Work (PoW) technology to a Proof-of-Stake(PoS) process for verifying on-chain transactions that is less efficient usesenergy.
Ethereum's current Proof of Work (PoW) consensus method,popularly known as mining, will be replaced by a significantly more environmentallyfriendly Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Since the currentlyoperational beacon chain will be combined with the current Ethereum mainnetchain, the switch from PoW to PoS is known as a merge. Network history andfunctioning are preserved. However, the consensus method has been changed.
Ethereum staking will replace mining as a method of addingblocks to the mainnet of Ethereum (ETH). Each significant update usually actsas a powerful short-term boost for the price of an altcoin. Additionally, as aresult of the Ethereum (ETH) proof-of-stake move, ETH owners will be encouragedto stake their assets. This will reduce the selling pressure significantly.