Uniswap users lose $8 million in ETH in phishing attack
Categories: Crypto News US

Uniswapusers lose $8 million in ETH in phishing attack
A phishing scam offering a fraudulent airdrop has managed torob Uniswapusers of approximately US$8 million in ETH this week. The scam, whichstarted on July 11, was promising a free airdrop of 400 UNI tokens (aboutUS$2,200). The scam asked users to connect their crypto wallets and maketransactions claiming fraudulent airdrops.
Upon connection, the hacker captured users' funds through amalicious smart contract. According to data from Etherscan, more than 74,000wallets have interacted with smart contracts in a phishing scam. A notableaspect of the attack was that the code was not verified for the smart contractsdeployed on Etherscan, which is some of the most legitimate projects.
Following the deployment of the smart contract, hackerstricked users into signing a transaction, in order to collect airdroppedtokens. Instead the transaction acted as an approval transaction, which gavehackers access to all Uniswap Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens held by theuser. Bad timing for Uniswap The news of the attack doesn't come at the best oftimes for Uniswap.
The decentralized exchange (DEX) recently announced theacquisition of NFT marketplace aggregator Genie and plans to integrate NFTsinto its products, starting with the Uniswap web application.
While the platform is making progress in terms of expandingits reach within the Web3 space, in April DEX faced a class-action lawsuit forpromoting "scam coins". The plaintiffs in the case claim to havepurchased “fraudulent” ERC-20 tokens worth approximately US$10,000 through Uniswapbetween May and June of 2021.