'Ethical' hacker returned $9 million from nomadic exploits worth $190 million
Categories: Crypto News US

'Ethical'hacker returned $9 million from nomadic exploits worth $190 million
After Nomad was exploited by hackers earlier this week, thoseresponsible have sent back US$9 million. Blockchain security and data analysisfirm PeckShield mainly traced the initial return of stolen funds to Nomad. USDCwith USDT and other altcoins. Nomad is a protocolthat allows users to transfer tokens from Ethereum to other chains.
The Aug. 1 exploit appears to be the result of a flaw in itssmart contract. This means that many users without technical knowledge wereable to find a transaction that worked, modify the target address with theirown, and retransmit it. Some of the users who broke into the stolenfunds were, in fact, trying to aid the project by preventing crypto fromfalling into the wrong hands.
Nomad is appealing to these "ethical researchers"and "white hat hackers", and has provided a crypto custodian(Anchorage Digital) to handle and secure the returned assets. In February thisyear, a white hat hacker opted for a only US$2 million bug bounty over theoption to "print unlimited ETH".
The hacker reportedly decided to warn the optimism team of anissue rather than take the opportunity to print ETH. In June, another vigilantehacker was paid US$6 million to prevent a US$330 million hack. Two months ago,the bug was reported to Aurora via ImmuneFi, a leading Web3 bug bountyplatform. All that is known about this hacker is their Ethereum domain namepwning.eth.